By Lesa Macpherson

There has been recent press around “Blue Zones” where people have been shown to have longer lives than average.

Recently Retirement Villages have been identified as having characteristics of these Blue Zones.

Places such as Okinawa, and various Mediterranean sites, have historically been identified as Blue Zones where people live longer than average. However, a recent discovery proves that the statistics on which conclusions have been based are questionable, and in some cases are based on fraud (including as long living people who are long deceased but relatives are still claiming benefits).

However, putting that aside, the ideals and behaviour for longer and healthier living can certainly be adopted in many locations and lifestyles.

To live long, and live well, these are the vital considerations:

  1. Social Connection.
  2. Remaining Active, mentally and physically.
  3. A sense of purpose (volunteering, grandchildren, paid work).
  4. A good diet (i.e. Mediterranean).
  5. A sense of control and independence.
  6. Access to Health and Medical Care.
  7. Financial Security.

Perhaps not surprisingly quality Retirement Villages have also been identified as promoting longer, more connected and healthier lives for their residents by providing these characteristics.

Retirement Villages focus on community engagement and encouraging involvement in activities which keep mind and body active and healthy, in contrast to sometimes lonely lives spent in isolation.

There are many different Retirement Living Models available to choose from, and Brisbane Elder Law have experience in advising on all of them. Contact them on 1800 961 622 or visit
